
3 of 5 stars
Name 451(2)
Base Formation 451
Attacking Score 1 /3
Defending Score 2 /3
Counter Score 1 /3
Popularity Medium
Availability UT
FIFA/FC Editions FC 24 | FC 25 | FIFA 14 | FIFA 15 | FIFA 16 | FIFA 17 | FIFA 18 | FIFA 19 | FIFA 20 | FIFA 21 | FIFA 22 | FIFA 23
Features 4xx
Slow Build-Up


451(2) is a 451 variation that adds more midfield steel. The three center midfielders make it harder to break down on the counter and leaves fewer gaps for the attack.

Suitable for those who want to keep the ball.
Difficult to break down.
Only one ST may be insufficient.
CM’s may need to help the back four.

Pos Att WR Def WR Important Attributes
RB M H Pac Def
CB R L H Def Phy
CB L M H Pac Def
LB M H Pac Def
CM R M M Pas Dr
CM M H Pasg Def
CM L M M Pas Dri
LM H M Pac Dri
RM H M Pac Dri
ST H L Sho Phy
Key Player
CM | If used correctly and taken full advantage of you will be able to zip the ball between the 3 close CM’s and unless the opposition has the exact same formation, they’re going to see plenty of the ball. The ST is vital and he needs to be big and strong.

Play Styles

Possession play and a slow paced build-up passing style. This formation is usually used to gain a win or a draw in a safe mode.

How to Use this Formation

This is another popular formation which utilises a lone striker. This player must have the ability to hold up the ball and bring teammates into play, this can be done via overlaps or by simply playing the ball back to midfield player’s feet. This formation is generally considered more defensive than the 4-4-2, but with a strong/tall target man, it can work very well. The extra midfielder works well for users who like to keep the ball in the middle of the park and creates a strong horizontal line which can be difficult to play against.

How to Counter this Formation