3 of 5 stars
Name 451
Base Formation 451
Attacking Score 2 /3
Defending Score 2 /3
Counter Score 1 /3
Popularity Medium
Availability UT
FIFA/FC Editions FC 24 | FC 25 | FIFA 14 | FIFA 15 | FIFA 16 | FIFA 17 | FIFA 18 | FIFA 19 | FIFA 20 | FIFA 21 | FIFA 22 | FIFA 23
Features 4xx
Slow Build-Up


Formation that puts 5 players in midfield, two of them supporting the striker. For many years, it was the favorite formation of many European teams.

Suited to players who prefer to build play patiently.
Probably the best formation for who wants to keep the ball.
Not good for direct play and long ball styles.
CM often tends to get lost and caught out of position.

Pos Att WR Def WR Important Attributes
RB M H Pac Def
CB R L H Def Phy
CB L M H Pac Def
LB M H Pac Def
RM H M Pac Dri
CM M H Pas Def
LM H M Pac Dri
CAM R M M Pas Dri
CAM L H M Pas Sho
ST H L Sho Phy
Key Player
CAM | If used correctly and taken full advantage of you will be able to work plenty of room for your 2 CAM’s to cause lots of problems for the opposition defence. Unless there are 2 CDM’s on the opposite team (not many formations will have this) then the 2 CAM’s are going to find lots of open space to play in which in turn can be very beneficial for your team and the attacking opportunities this will provide.

Play Styles

Possession play and a slow paced build-up passing style.

How to Use this Formation

This formation is originally a defensive formation, however, if the two midfield wingers play a more attacking role, it can be likened to 433. The formation can be used to tie up or preserve a lead, as the packing of the centre midfield makes it difficult for the opposition to build-up play. This formation is suitable for players who are very confident in their defence and possession-based tactics. The single CM means that it is probably best to have a big strong player that is able to perform the job of winning the ball and also able to move the ball onto the wide players or one of the 2 CAM’s. This formation is strongly centred around the 2 CAM’s and so it would be advisable to choose more defensive wide players as any target man strikers will likely lack the ball control and finishing to be fully utilized by the 2 CAM’s. Anyone using this formation will need to focus on keeping the ball, the lack of defensive players will mean that should the opposition get the ball, it’s likely you will be outnumbered.

How to Counter this Formation

Conceptually, this formation has the right idea, but it has too many gaps why not a lot of people use it. World football is more tactical and having only 1 natural CM is a disaster waiting to happen. Having said that, this formation has merit. The LM and RM can stretch ballgame quite easily. The formation relies heavily on triangle passes. By nullifying their passes, the formation falls apart quite easily. Because you only have one particular CM, additional midfielders will overwhelm that person. Using 2 CDM is a must and 2+ CMs will put the game right in your hands.

Formations you should use to beat this one (by descending order):
4231, 442, 343, 532.