2 of 5 stars
Name 4312
Base Formation 442
Attacking Score 2 /3
Defending Score 2 /3
Counter Score 1 /3
Popularity Low
Availability FC | UT
FIFA/FC Editions FC 24 | FC 25 | FIFA 09 | FIFA 10 | FIFA 11 | FIFA 12 | FIFA 13 | FIFA 14 | FIFA 15 | FIFA 16 | FIFA 17 | FIFA 18 | FIFA 19 | FIFA 20 | FIFA 21 | FIFA 22 | FIFA 23
Features 4xx


One of the formations most recommended for those who like to play through the middle. The key element of this squad is the CAM. You should invest some coins on a really good player for this position.

The CAM and the two ST make this formation extremely dangerous in attack.
Suitable for those who like to play through the middle.
Very narrow formation. Crossing of the ball hardly happens.
Without wide players, this formation lacks the variety in attacking opportunities.

Pos Att WR Def WR Important Attributes
RB M H Pac Def
CB R L H Def Phy
CB L M H Pac Def
LB M H Pac Def
CM R M M Pas Def
CM C M H Pas Def
CM L M M Def Pac
CAM M M Pas Dri
ST R H L Sho Pac
ST L H M Sho Pac
Key Player
CAM | The CAM is the link up man for most of your attacks, especially because of the lack of natural width. He should find space off of the front men and a player here with good creativity and vision can be extremely beneficial to your team.

Play Styles

Medium build-up plays with lots of options in terms of passing for the player in possession. Sharp 1-2 passing in central areas is key to the success of this formation. Suitable for the games where you want to attack based on moves managed by attacking midfielders.

How to Use this Formation

This formation is suitable for players who prefer intricate passing in the center of the pitch. If you don’t like using wide players, or use Strikers that don’t have good heading then this is a great formation for you. Even in formations with 5 midfielders, there are usually only 3 central ones. This formation gives you 4 central midfielders (one being a CAM) and should, therefore, give you control and confidence in possession.

How to Counter this Formation

The 4-3-1-2 parallels the 4-3-3 (flat) in the midfield and the defense, nevertheless it adds a more direct approach in attacking. The CAM is the key man here. He is able to coordinate with the 3 CMs and be able to do distribute to the strikers. The strikers can run at the CB’s or draw them wide. This allows for the CAM to open the game or even take a shot. You need to zone out the CAM in order to be effective here. If you can stop his assistance in the middle then you can win easily. Having 2 CDMs will control this CAM, so use formations that have both 2 CDMs and wingers to stretch out the 3 in the middle.

Formations you should use to beat this one (by descending order):
4231, 4231 (2), 532, 343.