2 of 5 stars
Name 3412
Base Formation 352
Attacking Score 3 /3
Defending Score 1 /3
Counter Score 1 /3
Popularity Low
Availability FC | UT
FIFA/FC Editions FC 24 | FC 25 | FIFA 09 | FIFA 10 | FIFA 11 | FIFA 12 | FIFA 13 | FIFA 14 | FIFA 15 | FIFA 16 | FIFA 17 | FIFA 18 | FIFA 23
Features 3xx
Fast Build-Up


One of the less popular UT formations. This formation is a variation of 3-5-2 where the wing players are more withdrawn in favour of one of the central midfielders being pushed further upfield into the playmaker position, the “number 10”.

Very attacking formation.
Many players in the middle.
Defensively weak and susceptible to dangerous counter-attacks.
Needs fast defenders and wingers with a medium defensive work rate.

Pos Att WR Def WR Important Attributes
CB R L H Pac Def
CB C M H Def Phy
CB L L H Pac Def
CM R M M Pas Def
CM L L H Def Phy
RM H M Pac Dri
LM H M Pac Dri
CAM M M Pas Sho
ST R H M Phy Sho
ST L M L Sho Pac
Key Player
CM | The 2 CM’s are crucial to this setup. They will have great options all around them so these two players are vital to the success of this formation. They need to be able to play a variety of passes and have good vision to be able to start attacks in numerous ways.

Play Styles

Quick, short, sharp passing in terms of build-up play with an attacking focus in particular. Suitable for the games you are trying to win by keeping the ball in the middle and creating opportunities by your midfielders.

How to Use this Formation

By using this formation, you will play with 3 in the back allowing you a more technical game in the midfield. That’s why they keep the ball so well. As there are no CDM’s to cover the 3 CB’s, you should use CM’s with high defensive work rates so they can fill the gap between the defence and midfield when necessary.

How to Counter this Formation

There are two ways to overcome someone using this formation: Counter with pacey wingers but make sure they can cross well and you have a forward who has good finishing or Physical accuracy; or use one or two CDM to help contain the midfield. It’s fine if they have more possession, just catch them in the midfield and push the ball fast down the wing.

Formations you should use to beat this one (by descending order):
4231, 433 (3), 41212, 451.