Thursday Flipping

5 of 5 stars
Method Name Thursday Flipping
Category Low Budget
Popularity High
Risk Medium
Reward High
Difficulty Easy
Required Time Medium
MRP 25000
First Time FIFA 17
Similar Method Weekly Rewards
Thursday Flipping is a trading method that takes advantage of a predictable weekly price fluctuation that happens when rewards are delivered.

The Method

Generally speaking, the Ultimate Team transfer market is unpredictable. However, there is a cycle that happens every single week and we can take advantage of it.

Every Thursday morning, the release of Rivals rewards provides a great opportunity to make FUT coins. The supply of players increases for a small window as everyone opens their rewards.

Players often want quick sales as they need coins to start building or improving their team for the Champions Finals, which starts the next day. This means that you can get great deals on valuable players and other items as people list them up very cheaply.

Prices recover quickly as the supply fades and everyone is buying to get ready for the weekend league. If you pick up the right cards for a good deal you can make many coins in just a few hours.

The best part? You can use this trading method every week throughout the FIFA game cycle.

Common Mistakes

When using the Thursday Flipping Method, the most common mistakes are the following ones:

Buy Only One Item
You should not focus on one item only. As it happens on any investment, the key to limiting risk is being diverse with the players and other items you pick up.

Panic Selling
If the prices of your items don’t rise immediately, be patient and hold onto them. In the worst of scenarios, you will sell them at the weekend.

Investing on the Wrong Items
If there is not much demand for the item before the rewards drop, there won’t be much demand after. Try and identify players in your price range that people will want to use in-game or other items you think they will need.

Step by Step

    1. Choose your Targets
      Make a list of up to 7 items you are going to focus buy. You need to pick Items you can afford. They also need to be packed frequently and good enough for people who want them in their team.
      Personally, we love to do it with gold managers but lower-rated special cards are also a great option.


    1. Buy
      Thursday morning, when rewards drop, search the transfer market for good deals.
      You need to know the normal value of the players or other items you’re buying and try to pick them up for a big discount. You could do this both open bid and BIN listings.


    1. Hold
      The demand for most players will usually recover in 4-5 hours. Hold the Items you picked up for a few hours. If you don’t need the invested coins, wait until Friday. Keep track of their lowest BIN.


    1. Sell
      Sell your players on as the whole market rises due to the influx of FUT coins. As people build their Weekend League teams the supply of players disappears, meaning prices go up.


  1. Repeat
    Repeat each week.

Experts Opinion

“This is one of our favorite methods. It’s perfect for those who don’t have enough time but still want to build a decent team without buying FIFA Points. One hour every Thursday morning is all you need to reach a decent coin balance boost.”