3 of 5 stars
Name 523
Base Formation 532
Attacking Score 1 /3
Defending Score 2 /3
Counter Score 3 /3
Popularity Low
Availability FC | UT
FIFA/FC Editions FC 24 | FC 25
Features 5xx
Fast Build-Up


532 is a defensive-minded formation, featuring two holding midfielders and three players positioned at the front, poised for quick counter-attacks.

Strong defence with space for wing backs to run into.
Suitable for fast counter-attacks.
Too much space between the defense and the midfield

Pos Att WR Def WR Important Attributes
CB R M H Def Phy
CB C L H Def Phy
CB L M H Pac Def
RWB M M Pac Dri
LWB M M Pac Dri
CM R H M Pas Def
CM L H M Pas Def
RW H M Pac Pas
LW H M Pac Pas
ST L M L Sho Pac
Key Player
CM | These players function as standard box-to-box central midfielders. With only two players in the midfield, they must cover a wide area. If you can acquire someone who is proficient in various aspects, prioritize them over a player who excels in one or two areas but is average in others.

Play Styles

A setup that enables a solid defense and wide options for counter-attacks

How to Use this Formation

The width of this formation places significant pressure on the opposing fullbacks. As your own fullback advances and your winger cuts inside, the opponent faces a dilemma: do they track the winger inside or stay wide to cover the advancing fullback? Your striker will already be engaging the opponent’s centerback, often leaving the central midfielders too late to support the isolated fullback. Should the opponent opt to mark the winger, the fullback gains an opportunity to move forward behind the opponent’s defensive line, enabling an easy cutback or cross. Alternatively, if they choose to contain the fullback’s attack, the winger finds space to take a shot or pass to the striker.

How to Counter this Formation