
2 of 5 stars
Name 4411(2)
Base Formation 442
Attacking Score 1 /3
Defending Score 2 /3
Counter Score 1 /3
Popularity Low
Availability UT
FIFA/FC Editions FC 24 | FC 25 | FIFA 19 | FIFA 20 | FIFA 21 | FIFA 22 | FIFA 23
Features 4xx
Slow Build-Up


The 4411(2) formation is a variation of 443 with one of the strikers playing in the front line and is supported by an attacking midfielder (CAM) behind him.

Better for a passing team and less direct.
The CAM can be used to be the creative force or to break up play.
CAM can’t have a medium or high defensive work rate.
Some of the midfielders should have good defensive attributes to help the back four.

Pos Att WR Def WR Important Attributes
RB M H Pac Def
CB R L H Def Phy
CB L M H Pac Def
LB M H Pac Def
RM H M Pac Dri
CM R M M Pas Vis
CM L H H Sta Def
LM H M Pac Dri
CAM H L Pac Sho
ST H L Sho Phy
Key Player
CAM | It is important with this formation to have 2 players of high quality as CAM and as ST. They need to be both quick and strong to hold up play when needed to allow support from deeper lying players on the pitch.

Play Styles

Possession play and a slow paced build-up passing style.

How to Use this Formation

This formation is a variation of the basic 442 formation but, with a CAM instead of a second ST, it allows much greater control over the midfield without sacrificing a well-organised defence.

How to Counter this Formation

You can beat this formation in the midfield. Any formation with numbers in the middle will quench the attacking approach by the CAM and the striker. The midfield doesn’t support as well because they are lying deep in the middle and trusting the LM and RM to press down the flanks. If you stifle the passers in the middle, you take control of the game.

Formations you should use to beat this one (by descending order):
451, 433, 442, 3142.